Cost of Electricity by Power Source

The method of producing electricity greatly influences the cost of production. The costs include both the capital costs (for example, it costs over 2 billion dollars to build a nuclear plant) and the ongoing maintenance and operational costs. Here we show various methods by which electricity is produced and the average "all in" cost for each method (courtesy of this Wikipedia Article).

Cost of Electricity by Power Source

Generation Method Average Cost in $/MWh
Geothermal 51
Natural Gas with Advanced Combined Cycle 66
Conventional Natural Gas Fired 67
Hydro 68
Wind 78
Natural Gas with Advanced CC with CCS 94
Conventional Coal 96
Advanced Nuclear 102
Biomass 102
Natural Gas with Advanced Combustion Turbine 107
Solar PV 112
Integrated Coal-Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) 117
Natural Gas with Conventional Combustion Turbine 117
IGCC with Carbon Control & Sequestration (CSS) 151
Wind-Offshore 186
Solar Thermal 194